The office was abuzz this morning with the success of daredevil Nik Wallenda’s death-defying walk across the
Chicago River from 500 feet up on a high wire on Sunday. No safety net, no harness, and not once across, but twice. Oh, yes, and perhaps it should be noted that in case the second one might have been a bit repetitive, he opted to do it blindfolded.
The big question for the group of us who sit day in and day out with our bottoms on an office chair and our eyes gazing at a computer screen is why. The world to us is a treacherous enough place without willingly going out to find danger.
What compels those to seek these thrills is a bit of a mystery. I understand a need to prove to one’s self and others how far you can push yourself and what you can achieve. What I will never understand is putting yourself in jeopardy and taking such great risks. Nope, I am so far from being an adrenaline junkie that I prefer to get my highs looking at breathtaking pictures taken of adventure seekers’ exploits.
For example check out these terrific rock climbing photos from