Who Else Thinks It’s Great to Take a Hike?

May is Family Wellness Month —  31 days in which to stress the importance of healthy lifestyles and habits within your family.  Throughout the month I intend to select some photo collections to help promote all the wise decisions we can make to improve our health.

If I’m to be honest, I probably wouldn’t be given top marks for some of my lifestyle choices. Blessed with some great genes, I have been able to pretty much eat what I like without any serious weight gain or negative health effects.  On the fitness level, while not exactly a total klutz,  I am, at best, an adequate athlete when it comes to sports. I don’t ski,  am a mediocre swimmer,  have a wretched golf swing and think bowling’s a drinking game.

What I do love to do is walk and dance — the former a lot, the latter less so as my partner isn’t that into it.   So today we will take to the trails and streets,  parks and woods, beaches and mountaintops, with photo collections of hikers, walkers and strollers.

iCLIPART.com Hiking and Walking Photos

iPHOTOS.com Hiking and Walking Photos

National Geographic Hiking Photos

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