I love to decorate Easter eggs. I’m not saying that I’m particularly good at it, but there’s something soothing about such a simple creative task. Lining up the colours, trying to find ways to make each egg original, doesn’t take a lot of effort, but makes you feel as if you’ve done something just a little special.
Then, of course, there’s the fun that goes with it. I look back fondly on the hunts that took place in my rather competitive family over the years. The excitement of seeking and finding, of adding to one’s stash. It was important to my kids to keep tabs on who was leading, and fun for their father and I to sit back and watch the renewed zeal when they realized one had just a few more in their basket than the rest.
There was also the giggle of finding that one that had been overlooked by all, long after Easter had passed.
For now, however, though I will be painting eggs, the end result of my seasonal artistic endeavour will be more centrepiece than a fun, family activity. While we currently have a gap between the I’m-too-cool-for-this group of grandkids and the newest addition who hasn’t learned to care yet, it just wouldn’t be Easter without those otherwise ordinary ovals dressed up in colours that simply scream spring.
So for a preview of all that Easter sunshine, the pretty eggs, soft chicks and fluffy bunnies, here are some cheery photo collections. They might even provide some artistic inspiration.