Let’s say you grew up when the Brownie was the camera of choice, when the majority of people counted on professionals to take their ‘good’ pictures. You joined on the Polaroid craze, and when that faded (along with the pictures) you went out and bought yourself a nice little 35 mm, something that had plenty, but no more than you needed.
You could say then that when it came to photography, you’ve always been one of those people who made sure to get pictures of the essential moments — baby’s first steps, birthdays, anniversaries, picnics and parties — but never considered yourself a photographer. You didn’t think about lighting or composition, you didn’t presume the results would win any awards. Your photos were simply copies of memories.
Then the digital age arrived and suddenly everyone was taking pictures of everything, because they could. There was no waste of film, no processing costs, and the often lightweight piece of technology was easy to carry around. You notice now that you actually like taking pictures and now with your phone camera too have become positively snap happy. Maybe the time has come to take this little hobby a bit more seriously and invest in a good DLSR.
With the decision made the next question then is probably which one is best for you. A little research online before heading out to buy will educate you and give you info on what to look for, prices, etc. Here are just a few informative sites to help guide you:
Get the Best DSLR Camera for You
5 Things You Should Consider Before Getting a DSLR
Best SLR – Which Should you Buy