Tips for Taking Great Sunset Photos

A lovely young woman who was very dear to our family, passed away several years ago, the result of a tragic car crash.

An avid and talented photographer she looked at life through the camera lens with the same vitality she brought to life.  With her dimpled smile and her infectious laugh she inspired others to see the humour and fun around her, while her accomplished shots of the world around her inspired others to see the beauty they often took for granted.

One of Sarah’s favourite subjects was sunsets. Such an obvious choice, with their vividly unique and always changing colours, she loved to try and find a way to capture their essence differently than others might.  Never far from her camera, she was always ready when her keen eye saw the right moment and place.

It was fitting therefore, that after her passing a camera club, of which she was a member, decided to hold a photography contest in her honour. Though the show has been held ever since with various themes,  that first year the inspiration was based on Sarah’s love of sunsets.

A lot of people share her love. And the colours and scope of a beautiful sunset, or sunrise for that matter, make them the perfect photographic subject. Of course, there are ways to make yours stand out from the rest. Dozens of links can be found with tips on how to make this happen. Here’s a sampling all in one place for you:

DPS How to Photograph Sunrises and Sunsets

NYI of Photography How to Take Great Photographs of Sunsets

DIY Photography Sunset Photography

Digital Photo Secrets Sunset Photography

Improve Photography Tips for Stunning Sunset Photos

PictureCorrect Sunset Photography

photo tuts+ Sunset Pictures Made From Home

Wikihow Photographing Sunsets

Further Reading

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