Tips for Taking Great Candid Photos

Well, it’s going to be another busy weekend for my camera.

Many years ago, my parents, siblings and I, decided that if we wanted to all get together for Christmas there were going to have to be some concessions — most notably when this get-together would happen. None of us lived near each other.  The majority of our kids were older and beginning to scatter as well. Throw in the fact that many of them had to be shared with the families of significant others and finding a good time in the holiday season when everyone could be there was becoming nothing short of impossible.

The solution? Let the celebration begin early. The first weekend in November has become my family ‘Christmas’. Generally there’s no snow, making travel easier,  and the other festive parties and gatherings have yet to busy up everyone’s schedules. As  a result, attendance is darn near perfect, which makes it a great opportunity for photos.

Getting a large group of relatives together for a social time is the ultimate opportunity for candid shots. While posing pictures of generations, kids and grandkids gets wonderful results, those moments captured when no one’s looking are typically the most enjoyed and appreciated over the years.

Yet, it’s not as easy as it seems. To try and make the most of the voluble group of charmers I am proud to call family, I decided to see if I can find any useful tips that might help.  Here are just a few of the results:

Digitial Photography School Tips for Great Candid Photography

wikiHow Take Better Candid Photos

Daily Digi Tips for Great Candid Photos

Pop Photos Take Great Candid Photos of Kids

Digital Photo Secrets Candid Photography

Expert Photography Take Better Candid Photos Candid Photography Tips

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