Tips for Spring Macro Photography

If you happened to read my post from yesterday, you’ll know that with spring on its way, I’m all about taking your camera outside to get some shots of this blooming lovely season.  Sure, it’s not looking so terrific at the moment with dirt scumming up snow, dingy brown grass peeking up in various spots and flowerbeds still dormant.

But it won’t be long until a good day’s melt and a gentle rain washes the landscape clean, lawns begin to green and tiny buds start to poke their heads through rich, brown earth.  If you say you like taking pictures and you’re not wandering outdoors with your camera when this happens, then you’re missing an opportunity for some beautiful shots.

Among them macro pictures, such as the examples included in yesterday’s blog.

My camera has a macro setting that works rather well, but I thought that for any credibility should I continue to pursue this interest in photography, I would be wise to get technical and see what my camera and I are actually capable of achieving.  Before committing myself to any lessons or classes, however, I decided to see what the internet could teach me and came up with these terrific resources:

How to Take the Perfect Spring Flower Macro Photo

Set up Your Camera for Spring Close-Ups

Digital Camera World’s Cheat Sheet for How to Get Macro Photos of Spring Flowers

Tips to Master Spring Macro Photography

Macro Guide to Photographing Bugs

The 1, 2, 3 of Spring Macro Photography

Further Reading

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