For people who enjoy photography, seeing the opportunity for a picture is seldom a problem. But while the eye can behold the potential in virtually any situation some make it easier. There are events and places that beg to be photographed, such as family gatherings, sunsets and waterfalls.
Another is the beach. As a shutterbug’s subject it is perfection. The landscape is majestic, a vision of changing whims and moods. There is the drama of an overcast sky above crashing waves or the serenity of blue sky meeting calm waters at the horizon. Whether sandy shores or rocky crags they add to the emotion of the view.
It is, of course, not all about still life either, as boats glide over the waters and people play.
Yet, shooting pictures at the beach does come with a unique problem. There is probably no other place with the same risk of damaging your photography equipment. The splash of water, spray of sand, and the crush of people could prove rather hazardous to your camera’s health.
Even amateurs, hoping to snap a few good pictures as a bonus to time spent enjoying a good book on a blanket by the waves, have to worry about keeping their camera safe. These links take you to some helpful information on how to achieve that:
The Barefoot Photographer Protect Your Camera at the Beach
Digital Photography School Digial Camera Maintenace for Beach Photography