Picture Perfect Photos of Pretty Roses

“And she was fair as is the rose in May.” — Geoffrey Chaucer

Oh, to be compared to a rose — elegant and sophisticated, charming and sweet, soft and delicate, yet capable of inflicting pain should you not handle her properly.

With literally thousands of varieties, bearing such delightful names as Lavender Lassie and Maiden’s Blush, the beautiful rose is one of the most popular perennials for gardens and one of the favourite blooms for bouquets.  Their heady fragrance can be subtly different with each kind. I recall being surprised by one, the aroma of which was almost as buttery soft as its gentle yellow shade — a long way from the cloying ‘rose’ scent emulated in  those cheap colognes and perfumes.

While I’ve never had much luck growing the tricky rose, mould and bugs my biggest issues, I so appreciate the richness and beauty they add to gardens and landscapes.  Not to mention what they do to my heart when a bouquet of them comes my way.

The loveliness of the rose is so profound that even if you only ever saw one in a photograph, you’d understand its power. These stunning examples prove it.

iCLIPART.com Rose Photos

iPHOTOS.com Photos of Roses

Acclaim Images Roses

Photography Blogger Beautiful Rose Pictures

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