Just Relax — and Check Out These Illustrations While You’re At It

Today’s collection of images is going to be all about what I wish my weekends were — relaxing.

Sure, I work, so everything I can’t get done on weekdays I have to accomplish on weekends. But I’ve always worked.

Sure,  I hate chaos so I put a lot of pressure on myself to restore order after not getting to all the things I wanted to all week long. But this too, is nothing new.

Sure, I enjoy a busy social life and keep the calendar booked with things to do. But I’ve always loved to party.

I’m not really sure what’s happened; I do recall grabbing minutes to myself even as a young mother. But just as you somehow manage to get out the door at the same time in the morning, even if you slept in, I suspect the false notion of extra time now that the kids are out of the house has resulted in me filling every available minute of my days of rest. Whatever the reason I’m on the treadmill and can’t figure out how to get off.

So, as I speed through life,  in the words of 60’s band, The Association,  “too busy to stop to notice the things that are real”, I shall in the meantime, until I figure out where I’m going wrong,  live vicariously through the folks, and critters, in these illustrations.

iCLIPART.com Illustrations of Relaxing

iPHOTOS.com Illustrations of People and Animals Relaxing

Acclaim Images Relaxing Illustrations

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