One of the things I promised myself when the kids bought me a nice, new digital camera a few years back was that I was going to spend some time learning my way around it. While shooting on auto is terrific, leaving the camera setting there and not seeing what results I could get with the other features seemed a bit like buying a fully-equipped vehicle and just, well, driving it.
Oh, I was very serious when I made this promise. I was going to pick a setting each week, do a little research and go take some pictures. I was going to get spectacular sports shots, fantastic nighttime photos and lovely daylight landscapes. I was going to use a tripod and experiment with lenses.
In short, I was going to do a lot of things. As yet, with the exception of moving back and forth between the portrait, landscape, sports and macro settings, however, I’ve done little.
Since the interest and desire are there, what seems to be the problem is a lack of organization and hours in my life. I simply can’t seem to co-ordinate practice time with free time. When I do grab the camera it’s usually for a particular event or spontaneous moment.
I’ve decided what I need, therefore, is some sort of plan. As a list person, it seemed to me that with an organized agenda laid out it might make the probability of follow through more certain. To that end I took a little tour around the web to see what help I might find. Here are the results:
Digital Camera World Creative Photo Ideas for November
Digital Photography School Photography Projects to Jumpstart Creativity