According to The Beatles, when the rain comes people run and hide their heads. If this is indeed the case we won’t be seeing much of anyone around here over the course of the next week.
The Weather Network has promised us a bunch of precipitation beginning tomorrow and offering little, if any, break until Thursday. For a sun-loving gal such as myself it’s not a pretty forecast.
However, after a brief glimpse out the window, I have to say this time I’m rather pleased. Days of April showers are going to not only wash away the detritus of winter, including the remaining banks of snow, but will freshen and brighten the lawns. It will clean things up for spring to show its true colours.
So ha, ha, Mother Nature. Like my daughter who’s always been a rain walker, I say, bring it on and let it pour. There is, after all, something quite invigorating about nature during and after a bath. The images are quite lovely. Crystal droplets glistening on soft petals. Rivers refreshed. Water streaming down once dusty roads.
Capturing them in photos, however, can be tricky, so here are some tips about taking pictures in the rain.
National Geographic Taking Photos in the Rain
Yanik’s Photo School Steps for Taking Photos in the Rain