How to Create Flourishes and Swirls

When it comes to completing a project, to enhancing your artwork or design, everyone looks to swirls and elements.

In a recent blog I directed you to several websites that offer some wonderful collections of these particular images. However, if you are truly creative, if your idea of a personal project is that it’s only worthy when it’s your work start to finish, perhaps you’d prefer the challenge of making these ornamental extras yourself.

Personally, I’ve often felt there was an artistic vein running through me that has been left untapped. Designing these types of embellishments might be just the inspiration I need to get things flowing.

Of course,  I have no idea what I’m doing, so scoping out some expert advice seems the logical starting point.  In just a few minutes online I was able to find a number of terrific tutorials to start me on my creative quest.  From making straightforward curves to more complex flourishes full of colour,  these instructions explain the tools that work best and the steps to take when using them. Taking it further, of course, is up to us.

eHow Make Swirls in Photoshop

Top Photoshop/Illustrator Brushes for Creating Strokes and Swirls

Create a Colourful Swirl in Photoshop 3 Brush Pack for Photoshop or GIMP Swirl Mania for Photoshop and Illustrator

Free Photoshop Brushes for Swirls and Flourishes

Draw Vector Flourishes in Photoshop

How to Create Custom Flourish Brushes in Photoshop

Further Reading

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