Have a Giggle With These April Fools and Cartoon Illustrations

It will soon be April Fools’ Day, a big event for practical jokers of all ages and intellect. 

To be honest, it’s not something I’ve paid a lot of attention to over the years. That tease, trick and shock kind of comedy has never really been my thing.

Pulling off a really good April 1st prank usually takes a lot of work.  Few people can come up with an original, guffaw-worthy joke. The majority are just silly and often cause pain or shame to the victim.  Not to mention, it’s not easy to slide something by someone,  who because of the day, just might be waiting for it.  Sometime it’s even difficult to figure out who is actually the fool — the joker or his target.

But I do love to laugh — hard. And to hear others do the same. Not that little giggle, or polite ‘Ha Ha’, but an honest, sincere, you caught me by surprise with that, full-out, burst.  What will make it happen for me isn’t in-your-face  or corny comedy.  No, I like  humour that surprises you, that kind of dry wit that sneaks up on you. My husband has it; once I got passed his baby blues it was the next thing to charm me.  And since I met him I can honestly say that there hasn’t been a day when we haven’t laughed together.

None of this is to say that the slapstick or sophomoric, the blue or burlesque are better or worse than the dry or droll. Anything that makes someone laugh, unless it makes another cry, is fantastic. Just like these collections of cartoons meant to tickle a funny bone or two just in time for April Fool’s Day.

iCLIPART Gag Cartoons

TOONClipart April Fool’s Cartoons

iCLIPART.com April Fool Collection

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