Great Tips for Taking Beach Photos

Not that very long ago I was challenged by a Facebook friend to post five photos that make me smile. It proved to be a daunting, if pleasurable, task as you might well imagine.

While there were literally hundreds of pictures from over the years that have this effect I couldn’t help notice that many of the older ones were taken during our family’s summers at the beach. 

These were the golden years of two months spent in lake country, a sojourn my husband and I were able to enjoy with our brood of two, then four,  for many over a decade.  They are images of kids perpetually clad in swimsuits, of friends with drinks around the campfires, of glorious sunsets and lapping waves.

One that I particularly love was taken of our two youngest when preschoolers. Silhouetted against the fading sunlight over the lake, it captured them as they played in the sand,  oblivious to bedtime’s imminent approach.  It reflects completely the carefree reality of that magical time in all of our lives. How could it not make me smile?

With little photography experience back in those days,  I was lucky with that shot. It had a lot of the right elements for a good picture, from lighting to composition. I just didn’t know how I did it. 

These days, digital cameras have inspired many people who wouldn’t have thought about it before, to become avid picture takers.  There’s no wasting of film or the money in developing them. And the wealth of information on the internet ensures we can learn how to get the best from our camera anywhere, any time.

If you want to take your shot on the beach here are some great tips to guide you to the perfect one:

10 Beach Photography Tips from Digial Photography School

How to Take Beach Photos wikiHow

Beach Photography Digital Photo Secrets

How to Shoot a Perfect Beach Portrait Lightstalking

Tips From a Pro: Shoot Striking Beach Landscape Photos

Beach Photography Tips From Exposure Guide

Tips for Beach Photography From SLR Photography Guide

Camera Settings for Beach Photography From Digital Camera World

Tips for Beach Photos

Further Reading

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