For Love of Dogs

Two years ago this month, my husband and I had to say goodbye to a faithful friend. 

Ani,  a Siberian husky mix, was a high-maintenance gal – high-strung, high energy,  high needs – and we loved her to pieces.  Hearing that her cancer was so aggressive we were left with only one option, was more difficult than I would have imagined.  After all, so many people noted, she was “just a dog”.

Anyone who has a beloved pet, however,  knows that they are much more than that. They win your heart, become part of the family and like their human counterparts in that family,  have unique personalities. They are devoted and loyal companions. They play with us and work for us. They love unconditionally and labour without complaint.  Trained properly they come when called, sit when told and fetch when asked.  They don’t even get offended when you look them in the eye and say, “Heel”. 

So with thoughts of my Ani girl and for all the dog lovers out there, here’s a look at some cute canines:

National Geographic My Shot Dogs Gallery Dog Photos

Acclaim Images Dog Photos

tutorart Dog Photography

A Place to Love Dogs

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