Dozens of Awesome Photoshop Food Tutorials

Have you ever chosen a restaurant because of the images in a promotion or advertisement? Have you ever ordered a dessert you really didn’t need because it was so enticingly scrumptious looking in the photo on the menu?  Have you ever needed an illustration for a food event and couldn’t find anything appealing so decided to create your own?

We are all interested in food, whether it’s for personal consumption or for business. And there’s probably nothing else that needs to look so completely appealing for it to achieve the end result you are looking for.  As the owner of a restaurant, grocery, bakery, etc. the image you use to promote your product must be tempting.  From contrast to colour,  presentation is everything.

The same is true of the artist or photographer creating that temptation. There was video a brief while back showing how a popular fast food chain made the photos of their products more appetizing than the real things. It is that that must be achieved whether the medium is photography or illustrations.

While a talented photographer can get the results without tweaking,  technology has ensured that even a less than stellar effort can be enhanced. Here then are some links to tutorials for improving your food photos with Photoshop:

Photoshop for Food Photography and the Perfect Pumpkin Pie

The Two Most Important Tools for Food Photographers

Edit Food Photos in Photoshop

Or if  beautiful illustrations are your thing there is no shortage of step-by-step instructions for creating everything from soup to nuts with Photoshop. Take a look at these terrific tutorials:

50 Tremendous Photoshop Food Tutorials

35 Best Photoshop Food Tutorials

Further Reading

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