Beach Volleyball Photography Tips

It’s funny perhaps that this week I’ve chosen to focus my attention on a sport such as beach volleyball for this blog.  After all, when I wander down to the sand, it’s to nestle myself in comfortably on a lounge chair by the water. It is most definitely not to break a sweat while running, diving and swatting at a ball.

Our granddaughter on the other hand would never be able to sit still if there’s a net in sight,  especially on the beach. For most of her teens and into her 20s she has played competitive beach volleyball. I admire her fitness and ability.

From the sidelines. On a chair. With a cold drink. And a camera too.  This is  the perfect opportunity to practise some sports photography.

Having shot indoor volleyball many times when working at a community newspaper, I know the challenges of taking pictures of this sport inside a gymnasium.  The lighting is not great,  the net gets in the way of focusing and the players move — fast.

Taking it outside eliminates at least one of those issues. However, it’s always helpful to get some sound advice on how to net (pun intended, of course) satisfying results. Here are a few useful tips:

Professional Beach Volleyball Photography

Volleyball Photography

As well, some advice of my own.  Though beach volleyball might be a game with a pleasant uniform,  it’s no less a sport,  one that demands, athleticism, endurance and agility from its players. If distraction might be a problem, perhaps these entertaining blogs will help keep you, not just your camera, focussed:

What if Every Olympic Sport Was Photographed Like Beach Volleyball?

Hey! That’s My Daughter!

Beach Volleyball. Do You Really Need to Ask Why I’m Here?

Further Reading

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