Women and Friendship, Past and Present

They say you shouldn’t live in the past, but it sure can be fun to revisit it once in a while. 

I get a great kick out of Throwback Thursday — a time to take a walk down memory lane through social media. Each week folks hunt out an old picture and post it on Facebook. Some might call it an ego trip, but trust me, if you saw these vintage photos you’d know there’s no way ego’s involved in most of them.

The thing is, while it’s good fun to indulge in a little nostalgia (Who doesn’t love those fashions and hairstyles?),  it’s not just nice to see friends you remember from those days but to also be introduced to one ones as they used to be.  I love seeing how new acquaintances looked when they were younger, as well as remembering old ones.

American journalist Edna Buchanan has said, “Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.” Sometimes they can be both.  This week I posted a photo of my cousin and me. Our mothers were sisters, our fathers cousins and as the youngest by several years in our respective families with only six months separating us, we were, from the earliest of times, the best of friends. 

Years, as they have a tendency to do, however, eventually separated us in many ways. Our interests changed, our priorities, our desires. But reconnecting from time to time is always nice.  She was the one who knew me when I wasn’t yet formed, and liked me anyway.

So in recognition of my sisterhood, the wonderful women who have accepted me,  foibles and faults, and enriched my life past and present, I offer these great pictures of friendships:

iPHOTOS.com Women and Friendship

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