It was family picture time again and with no small amount of organization the clan managed to gather on a dreary fall Sunday recently. As time has a way of altering the demographic, both in number and appearance, we’ve tried to make this a tradition every three years.
Our 2009 offering was actually done during a family wedding. This had been a three-day affair and the photographer hired for the event was known for his candid shots. He did indeed do a fantastic job of these and created an album of memories that were photographic perfection as well as entertaining. The unguarded moments conveyed a gamut of emotions and expressions.
Anyone who’s ever tried to get these kinds of pictures and do them well, knows it’s not easy being at the right place at the right time with a camera at the right setting. The spontaneous shots this fellow took were so amazing I was surprised to discover his group shots were, while usable, considerably less impressive. I admired his genius for being able to capture those one-of-a kind images, but saw too that a talent for action and intuitiveness didn’t necessarily guarantee an equal ability to create beautifully-staged photographs with large numbers of people. Undoubtedly, this too isn’t as easy as some make it appear. Here are some tips to help you get it right:
DPS Family Portrait Dos and Don’ts
Taking Fabulous Holiday Family Photos