Ah, Friday.
It doesn’t seem all that long ago when the opening night of the weekend for me was a gala event kicking off a two-day funfest of friends, family and socializing. I could barely get in the door before launching myself out again to party, usually at a pub where there was live music, but occasionally just hanging out at someone’s home. I remember then, the idea of spending a Friday night at home was nothing short of ludicrous.
Not so anymore. Weekends are still socially busy it seems, and Friday night is still the highlight of my week. However, that has become for very different reasons. Now my weary body wanders home, thoughts of curling up on the sofa while enjoying a glass of wine and quiet conversation with my guy the enticements that keep one foot moving in front of the other. Rather than kicking the weekend off, Friday night has become valued downtime. Some, I suppose, may say I’ve gotten older; I prefer to think of it as wiser.
So as a homage to those who have attained the wisdom, enjoy this collection of people who have also found the quality in staying in sometimes: