I believe in the power of positive thinking. While I don’t presume that I really have any control over what is, or will be, happening to me, sending out the right energy, delivering inspiring messages to the universe does appear to get life moving in the right direction.
So I am, encouraged by the burst of sunshine that sparkled this morning through the detritus left by winter on my windows, focussing on spring and its imminent arrival. An arrival I’ve decided will be sooner rather than later.
It’s time to say goodbye to images of cold and snow, frost on windowpanes and hanging icicles, and envision blooming hues, the greening of the landscape and the new cheerful warmth of the sun. Why, even colourful rubber boots splashing through rain puddles is a welcome sight compared to that of bundled folks huddled against a blizzard.
As we move towards spring, we can feel the change in the air, readying us for the rebirth and awakening of flora, fauna and ourselves. Businesses are preparing for a change in retail with buyers’ minds turning towards the growing season, the warming climate.
With a bit of a nip in the air and the blanket of snow still thick across the ground, however, not everyone is as convinced as I am that the worst is behind us. Promotional materials therefore need to get clients thinking spring. Whether it’s fashion, gardening or sports, what better way to do that then with beautiful photos from iPHOTOS.com, Clipart.com and Acclaim Images?