Cocooning — my one true favourite winter pastime. There’s nothing I love more about this season than listening to chilly winds blow outside while I snuggle up indoors. It’s a picture painted perfectly to me by the poetic prose of Canadian singer/songwriter Gordon Lightfoot in Song for a Winter’s Night:
“The lamp is burnin’ low upon my table top
The snow is softly falling
The air is still in the silence of my room
I hear your voice softly calling
If I could only have you near
To breathe a sigh or two
I would be happy just to hold the hands I love
On this winter night with you.”
Other than the missing person to snuggle with, it sounds perfect to me. However, a recent Facebook event promoting a snow volleyball tournament reminded me there are others who approach winter differently. While I’d be happy to hibernate through this bitter, blustery few months, there are many for whom business is booming. While I’d love to curl up under blankets, with a glass of wine and a good book from Jan. 1 until the snow melts, there are others who take a far more spirited approach to the season. From sliding down mountains to polar dips these folks dive in with enthusiasm.
And from a business standpoint, even if your enterprise isn’t one of the ones that might benefit from the season, there are always the winter sales to bring folks in.
So whether you’re someone who, like me, prefers to tuck away indoors until spring doing quiet pastimes such as scrapbooking or reading, or whether you’re involved in the business of winter and the outdoor fun that goes along with it, here’s a collection of clipart to help you with personal or promotional seasonal projects.