Tips for Taking Photos in Bright Sunlight

The riotous colours of a garden, the contrast of blue sky and verdant grass, the exotic beauty of a butterfly, the bountiful variety of birds and animals make summer the perfect season for nature loving photographers.

However, one of the nicest things about the season  can also be one of the biggest challenges. After a long, cold winter, a sometimes dreary, grey spring, it’s hard to resist bounding outdoors with camera in hand on a gloriously clear summer day.  But a nice bright sun can mean tricky conditions when trying to get that perfect shot.  Here are some interesting sites with tips for taking great summer pictures.

DPS How to Shoot in Direct Sunlight

photo.tutsplus Tips for Shooting Bravely in the Sun Tips for Taking Digital Pictures in Bright Sun

Steve’s Digicams Tips for Shooting Portraits in Bright Sun

Further Reading

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