Ah, the Easter egg hunt — and the images it summons. Angelic faces alive under a soft spring sun. Yellow and white wicker baskets laden with eggs decorated in vibrant hues and gentle pastels. The racing, the giggles, the excitement are moments meant to endure.
Our photo albums are packed with pictures like this, years of Easters celebrated with little ones. When my children were small, the hunt took place in the afternoon after church. Some of the pictures capture the feeling and fun of the occasion perfectly. So indelible are they that when I think about those times years ago, I immediately visualize these shots.
There is our mischievous youngest, arms raised, tongue out, running towards the camera after snatching the last egg out of hiding just before his sister. There are the ones of older siblings, hand-in-hand with younger as they sought the hidden treasures behind trees, in the leaves of plants or under empty garden pots. There is our oldest grandson, assisted by an entourage of adoring adults as he toddled around, not understanding exactly why he was looking but recognizing that the search was fun.
These are the images of childhood, of happiness and innocence.
Living where we do, with our unpredictable spring climate, outdoor hunts aren’t a guarantee unfortunately. Getting a great picture indoors when our kids were small added another element to the challenge. My talents didn’t extend to the requirements of action with flash, so results at times were often a bit blurry.
The forecast for Sunday indicates we’re probably moving the hunt inside this year. For the first time, all of my grandbabies are old enough to join in the fun. Add in the number of adults present now and I will not only be testing my photography skills, but coping with a large number of people in an enclosed space.
I could I suppose just count on the photography experience I’ve gained since those long ago Easters to ensure that the pictures I take this year will be as enduring. However, since perfecting one’s skills is really just a few mouse clicks away these days, I decided to check out a few tutorials to see if there’s more I can do. Here are some I found most helpful:
Tips for Photographing Your First Easter Egg Hunt