I make no bones about my melancholy in bidding goodbye to summer. I crave sun and warmth, I love the life, the flowers and birds. So as days shorten and darkness begins to fill the bright space around me, I look towards the coming autumn with mixed feelings.
First, of course, there is the mild dread of where autumn leads, but this is undoubtedly accompanied by awe over the gorgeous beauty of the season. The feeling that comes with the changing colours may be bittersweet, but I can’t deny the incredible vibrancy they bring to nature’s palette. Autumn is a photographer’s delight.
Yet, while the amazing blend of hues and tones almost always ensures some great results when taking photos, one might ask if there is a way to make them even better. If you’re interested in finding out, these sites offer great advice on autumn photography:
PhotoJojo Fantastic Fall Photo Tips
Digital Photography School Capture Fall Colours