Time Management

Source: iCLIPART.com

As humans we are pre-wired to focus on things that need our immediate attention, like alerts on our phones and we ignore more important things or put them off. We need to train ourselves to focus on what is important and suppress urgency.

Here is a list of things that will help you master your time:

1. Have you ever heard of the term, less is more?
Limit your tasks for the day to 1-3 important things and focus on them. Your brain won’t like this and other’s probably won’t either but you will have more time to complete the important things. What is the single most important (not urgent) thing you could do today? Do that.

2. Schedule your priorities.
Treat your priorities like an important flight that you have to catch. Nothing will stop you from getting there on time. We tend to put things off and think we will eventually get to it.

3. Turn off notifications.

Source: iCLIPART.com

Stop allowing these time consuming distractions. We get alerts for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and emails all day long and they are a huge distraction. Turn them off until your break or lunch so that you can focus on your important things.

4. Say No.
For most of us, it is a natural reaction to say yes when someone asks us to do something but in order to focus on the important things we have to learn to say no sometimes and stay focussed. Politely explain your priorities and the consequences of taking on additional work.

5. Get to know your body’s energy cycle.
Are you a morning person? or slow to get started? Plan your daily tasks to work with your body’s energy cycle and plan to get the most of your work done during your peak time.

Time management isn’t just about work, we have to remember that we need a good work-life balance to stay healthy and happy. We need time to relax and socialize.

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