The Mother/Daughter Bond

Our little granddaughter came for a visit this past weekend. What a treat.

At six months Little Miss is at that interesting age — still needy, but eager to go. She’s showing a good deal of feisty independence already and it’s amusing to see how much she’s like her mom. Now, that is. Not as a baby.

Her mother was the perfect child for a baby-obsessed woman such as myself to nurture. She loved her cuddles and lullabies. She loved sitting and being read to, quiet time and naps. Holding her daughter now, when Little Miss allows it,  all of those memories flood back to me.

The bond between mother and daughter is unique.  Author Victoria Secunda descibes it well:  “A daughter is a mother’s gender partner, her closest ally in the family confederacy, an extension of her self. And mothers are their daughters’ role model, their biological and emotional road map, the arbiter of all their relationships”

Certainly, the relationship is not without its frustrations.  I was blessed with two girls whom I know I drove nuts on occasion.  But there was indeed a sense of alliance and a strong connection. They were always my girls.  As time went on we shared secrets and clothes. I treasured our talks and it was odd, I began to notice,  that I counted on them almost as much as they counted on me.

Being invited into the details of their life honours me, no more so than being there for the arrival of our first granddaughter and seeing the bond renew in this next generation.

Here then is a photo collection celebrating the family’s female allies: Mother and Daughter Photos

Acclaim Images Pictures of Mothers and Daughters

Mother and Daughter Photo Ideas

CBS News Famous Mothers and Daughters

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