When it comes to beautiful images there’s probably none more so than the collections offered here in this particular blog. But before we get there, a little story.
It was a long, long time ago when a group of family members had gathered for a special occasion. Suddenly, in the middle of the festivities came an unexpected announcement from one couple regarding their teenage son. He was, they admitted in somewhat cautious tones, going to make them grandparents for the first time.
The revelation was greeted with silence, until one of the cousins pointed out what should have been obvious to all of us — within a loving family babies are blessings, no matter how they get here.
Time proved her remark more than right. That baby has now moved on to adulthood after enjoying a terrific upbringing with loving, committed parents.
Sure the story doesn’t always end that way with young couples, but it can end badly with older and wiser ones too. Many teenage moms have rocked the heck out of parenting, while many older academics have failed miserably. Certainly there are people who should never have children, and sadly don’t realize it. And the rest of us, well, we just fumble along to the best of our ability as parents. There’s no guidebook for parenting, nor any specific model of what makes the perfect parent.
The only thing that is certain is that babies are a blessing and as long as the expectant couple aren’t sociopaths or drug addicts, no one should diminish the joy of pregnancy.
And here are those promised photos which beautifully capture that special time: