Only one day remains until Halloween. For the young it’s a time of cute costumes and bags of goodies. As children get older, the more sinister aspects of the night start to come into play with ghoulish get-ups and minds full of mischief. The young-at-heart get in on the action too, in outfits ranging from the nostalgic to the terrifying.
And so, we have in recent posts here, tried to play to each of those aspects. First we looked at sites that showed how to take picture-perfect photos of your little trick-or-treaters. Then, with the mischievous attitude of youth in mind, there were suggestions on how to transform the normal into creepy manifestations perfect for the season.
The sheer number of these sites dedicated to Halloween photography is testament to the popularity of the holiday and the hobby. So, before this spooky evening is history, we look now at a more mature approach to pictures – taking photos full of haunting images with shades of chilling menace. And just for fun, I’ve thrown in a creepy collection, too.
Kodak Spooky Photography Ideas photography Halloween Tips
365Project Tips for Spooky Halloween Photography