Had a visit from my darling granddaughter the other day. If there’s one occasion guaranteed to bring out my camera it’s this. Actually, the favourite joke around our household now is if you want your picture taken you better be holding Little Missy.
The newest addition came to our family with personality. From the beginning, she was clearly an independent. Her serious observation of the world around her (giggles were hard earned and came at a premium) convinced us she wasn’t easily impressed. Even the camera for the first seven months of her life was regarded with mild suspicion.
Fortunately — while we still think she’s a keen observer — that changed. Our little lady now adores the camera as much as it, and the people taking the pictures, love her. On her most recent visit to Grammie’s house we were enjoying our usual photo shoot, this time outdoors as she explored the garden. Looking at the pictures later that day I was thrilled by how many great ones I’d managed to get. As I give little credit to technical ability on my part, I can only assume that the conditions for photography were as perfect as the subject.
While getting good pictures indoors has its own set of rules, the same can be said of outdoor photos. And when you throw the unpredictability, exuberance and mood swings of little ones into the mix, trying to get shots worthy of these adorable subjects can be humbling. Here are some sites to help you accept the challenge with confidence: