In just a few days I’m leaving on a jet plane — heading south for a vacation with my daughter, son-in-law and their two beautiful babies. Leaving hubby at home wasn’t my choice — work got in the way — but I’m determined to make the most of a less-than-ideal situation and delight in the wonderful company I will be keeping.
It’s been a blessing for my husband and I that we are invited on so many of these experiences by our older daughter and her guy. With only 20 years between her and me, we have a relationship that is much closer to friendship than that of parent and child.
However, I know there are bounds that can’t be crossed, and she appreciates that the extra time I’ve spent on earth does count for something in the wisdom department. As a result, we respect each other, we do like each other’s company and partying together happens frequently.
When this particular invitation came along, I was thrilled to have the chance to spend this much time with them, creating yet another cherished memory. It has taken me far outside my comfort zone — 10 days away from my guy and overcoming an intense aversion to flying. Yet, I’m eager to let the adventure begin.
Since our son-in-law is driving in order to tow his boat, we’ve opted to send our luggage with him. This meant that packing began some time ago as we had to get the bags to him in time for his earlier departure.
One of the first items on my list was my camera. While memories can be created, the best way to hold them is by photographing the special moments along the way. And with two little ones as photo subjects I suspect there will be plenty of opportunities to capture magic.
My mind has already envisioned some of the scenarios — splashing in the pool, shelling on the beach, spotting a dolphin — that will give me the wide-eyed wonder and delighted faces for perfect pictures.
Not wanting to miss a chance to improve upon my photography skills, though, I have wondered if there might be some helpful tips of things to look for, or ways to make the most of the photo ops that do present themselves. Vacation photos, after all, aren’t just about the places you visit and the people you visit them with. They should also capture a mood and atmosphere.
Here then are some links with helpful advice for taking great vacation photos:
10 Tips for Taking Your Best Ever Vacation Photos