It’s good to know that with age comes wisdom, but with that wisdom comes the knowledge that the face I see in the mirror every morning sure isn’t what it used to be. Like so many aspects of my life now, it seems to take a lot more to achieve less.
Where once a bit of cleaning and cream, some blush and mascara achieved that dewy freshness we all aspire to, my beauty regimen these days is time consuming and intended to just keep me hanging on. Each morning I rise, wash, scrub, tone and moisturize, then prime, conceal, plump and powder. Each evening I get rid of the primer, concealer, plumper and powder, by washing and scrubbing, before smoothing in a night cream full of retinol and promise.
Throw in waxing, exfoliating, masks, body lotions and shaving, and trying to look just my age has become a full-time job.
The cosmetic industry is huge, a morass of products with pledges of revitalizing and reviving our skin to its once youthful glow. Or, if it’s already glowing, to help us maintain it through middle age. There are creams that promise the disappearance of fine lines and wrinkles, age spots and large pores; lotions that blend skin tones or cover acne.
With such a competitive market and such wide diversity, finding the right images to sell those products is important. These collections of photos are excellent starting points for your marketing and advertising projects: Beauty Product Photos