Get Great Summer Photos With These Fantastic Tips

Clipart image of a woman standing in the water at a beach

“The beauty of that June day was almost staggering. After the wet spring, everything that could turn green had outdone itself in greenness and everything that could even dream of blooming or blossoming was in bloom and blossom. The sunlight was a benediction. The breezes were so caressingly soft and intimate on the skin as to be embarrassing.” — Dan Simmons, Drood

Paints a lovely picture doesn’t it? Summertime. Such a beautiful season. Sunshine burns in azure skies. Lightning streaks across dark broody nights and heavens open to douse us with refreshing rain.  Melodious birdsong is carried on gentle breezes that kiss our heated skin, and make garden flowers dance and sway.

Finding words to evoke the essence of summer, such as those written by Mr. Simmons, is a talent. Capturing it effectively in art and photography also requires creativity and technique. Summer is more than a season — it’s a feeling, a lifestyle, an energy. It takes more than a camera or paintbrush and easel to show it.

When it comes to art, there’s no hope for me. As a photographer, however, I am a little more positive about my capabilities. While I’m unlikely to reach the end of the path to perfection,  I do  possess a modicum of talent for the medium. My skills were first honed in my 20 years as editor of a community newspaper, where the jobs of reporter and photographer were as much a part of my role as the more logical duties.  My efforts were generally acceptable, occasionally worthy of compliment. My interest was piqued.

When digital cameras came on the scene, I was quick to rush out and get one for myself, ready to take on the latest technology. Equally swift was the move to update when I realized the initial purchase didn’t quite meet my needs.

Since then, I’ve squeezed in some tutorials between work hours and am eager to continue improving my skills. Currently my favourite subjects are my precious grandchildren.  I never get tired of taking pictures of those darling faces.

However, of late, I’ve increasingly noticed a renewed interest too in the landscape around me.  This was inspired, I believe, by our first trip to the picturesque French River,  where trees soar and quiet and calm surrounds you.  With little to do but commune with nature, I found myself drawn to the verdant greenery, the lazy waters, rushing rapids and divine sunsets as photo subjects.

Having caught up with an old friend recently, who is avidly pursuing her interest in photography, I was cajoled into coming out to her camera club. Given my plans for the future it seemed a more than sensible suggestion.

Among the assignments is capturing the essence of summer. While the professionals and amateurs that attend the groups are there with ideas and suggestions to help, there are also many ideas for inspiration to be found on the internet. Here’s a random sampling:

The Ultimate Summer Photo Ideas

10 Summer Photography Tips

Must Take Summer Photo Ideas

The Do’s and Don’t’s of Summer Photography

6 Tips for Great Summer Photos

Further Reading

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