Create Easter Images in Photoshop and Illustrator

In just a little over a week Christians celebrate Easter, the holiest of occasions, a time of death and mourning, resurrection and rejoicing.

However, it’s difficult when thinking of Easter to not have images of the more commercial aspect of the event fill your head.  Spring is in the air, and lilies, bunnies and baby chicks fit in quite nicely.

It’s a bright and cheerful time. Children with wicker baskets seek out the soft pastels of beautifully decorated eggs and folks bring out the yellows, pinks and blues of a new season’s wardrobe.

While there are many illustrations to be found online that capture the essence of this colourful time of year, with image editing software and a tutorial or two, creating your own can be a lot of fun. Here are some great tutorials to help:

css creme Make Easter Eggs

Tutorial Lounge Multihued Easter Photoshop, Illustrator Tutorials and Freebies

40+ Easter Photoshop and Illustrator Tutorials

Web Design Library Roundup of Easter Resources

YouTube Photoshop Brushes Easter Chicks and Eggs

Further Reading

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