3,000 Photos of Friends Having Fun

It’s Friday. For some,  this one is the end of the first week back to work after an extended festive holiday. Certainly then a cause to celebrate. We made it to the other side.

No matter how much you love your job, by the time Friday arrives it’s time for a change of pace. Not just for a break to recharge the batteries,  but to tackle some of the work you have at home as well as to connect with family and friends. From family dinners, to special occasion invites and house parties, we fill the spaces in between weekend responsibilities with fun, love and laughter.

And it all begins tonight. Before us are two whole days to fill however we choose.

What I love most about Friday,  however,  is that my husband and I have set it aside as a time to catch up. When we have walked in the door at the end of the day,  put away coats, emptied out lunches, we grab a cocktail and head for our chairs to chat. Points of interest, recaps and anecdotes fill the time before supper.

Also on the list for discussion, though, are plans for the next two days, whether we intend to do  little more than read a book between chores or spend an evening out listening to music.

This weekend we look forward to hosting a small dinner party to be followed by a games night. It means that there’s extra work in the cards for me tomorrow, but the reward is worth it.  One of the best things we can do to enrich our lives is to enjoy a wide circle of friends and interest.

So, hey,  it’s Friday, the perfect time to get on that.  With that in mind I decided, then, to have a little fun with a photo search and see what great images can be found on various sites when I combine the words party and friends. Here are the results:




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