Spring is in bloom. Believe me, my ear, throat, eyes and nose are only too well aware of that reality.
For allergy sufferers the season brings the bad with the good. As trees bud and lawns sprout they can carry a ton of misery for some of us. Nonetheless, we look forward eagerly to the bursts of colours, to the greening of trees and lawns.
Then of course there are the flowers. Having just returned from Florida I am missing the kaleidoscopic palette in gardens and on boulevards. Gorgeous bougainvillea of multiple hues, flowerbeds of resplendent design, highlighted the morning and afternoon walks during our vacation. My three-year-old granddaughter was enchanted by the vibrant pinks, reds, yellows and purples, drawing our attention to the beauty at every turn.
For these jaded eyes, it became a delightful ritual. Too often in our busy world we take a lot of the beauty around us for granted. We forget to take the few seconds required to appreciate it, to breathe it in and let it chase away cares and stress. “So beautiful”, our sweet Little Missy would say and my gaze would follow hers. The exotic aesthetic she challenged me to see throughout the days was cheap therapy.
Returning home to gardens in the first stage of reawakening, it wasn’t long for me to realize how much I missed those flowers. For this Floral Friday then I decided to feature some wonderful photo collections to stir my recent pleasant memories and remind me of blooms ahead: