Even the most positive people hit a funk from time to time. Feeling a little off physically, worry and stress, or disappointment can insinuate themselves into life, then challenge us to rise above it all.
For me, the funk can happen pretty much any given day in winter. Besides despising all the bundling required, the shovelling (well, watching my husband shovel), the slippery sidewalks, the blustery drives, I need summer’s sunshine. As a SAD sufferer, I struggle through winter, eager to get to the other side.
With today being yet another grey, snowy morning, positive thoughts weren’t succeeding in lifting my spirits much. As I plowed through snow, feet placed carefully lest ice lie beneath, my path took me past the door of an older couple’s home. I was instantly surprised by a strange thought — how nice it would be to stop in there and hide for a bit. No one would know where I was. I could just be still and quiet. Well, provided the owners of the house didn’t mind.
After wondering from whence that random notion came, I realized it’s been forever since I could actually had a room to call my own. From hubby to kids there’s always been someone strolling in to any space I’m in. For the most part it’s fine, but once in a while we all need a place in which to breathe.
Where that might be is different for everyone. Whether bedroom, living room, den or garage, it’s wherever you find comfort and quiet when needed. For today’s image collections, then, I’ve gathered some photos of beautiful interiors and of people finding their quiet within them: