Who Has Groovy Illustrations?

There’s a promise I’ve made to myself many times. The reason I do it over and over,  is that it’s a really good one and I for some strange reason can’t seem to remember that.  Every once in a while, therefore, when I feel things spinning a little out of control, it comes to mind again and I make a conscious effort to fulfil it.

The promise? Slow down, look around and take all the time in this world that I have to enjoy my life.

It’s not that I’m a workaholic, or an extreme Type A personality. But I do feel rather driven to achieve and accomplish.  If there are dishes to be done, then done they must be. My calendar tends to fill with obligations and events I just can’t ignore. Sitting to enjoy a book can overload me with guilt as there is always much to do.  As a result, stopping to smell those incredible roses is not done as often as it should be.

All of this often unnecessary busyiness seems to gain momentum until suddenly I find myself feeling like everything is moving just too fast. When that happens,  it’s then I remember to take a big breath and  let the words of a particular Paul Simon song fill my mind. It’s a playful ditty from a carefree era in my life, with a lilting melody to lift the spirits and easy words and phrases that carry a simple, yet profound message.

So as I sit here singing along to the words of  The 59th Street Bridge Song I thought about “feelin’ groovy” and wondered what kind of illustrations I might find to convey that mood. Here are the fun results:

Clipart.com Illustrations

iCLIPART.com Illustrations

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