What Image Style Best Convey’s a Cat’s Mystique?

I’m not a cat person. And when it comes to illustrations my eye doesn’t typically favour a silhouette. There are, however, many people who love the former and times when your project quite simply would be more greatly enhanced by the simplistic, times when a silhouette is the only right choice.

It was just the other day that I happened on this image of a cat reaching for a butterfly and in an instant found it absolutely charming. Given my ambivalence to both subject and style, this came as a surprise.

But, it dawned on me then, that when it comes to the graceful feline, a monochromatic illustration lends itself well to the animal’s mystique. Probably with no other subject does a silhouette convey as much charisma. And there’s no mistaking this is a very cute illustration to boot.

I decided therefore to do a little pussyfooting (so, sorry) around the net and see what kind of cat silhouettes I could find. Some of the illustrations had keyword issues that brought a few non-silhouettes into the mix, but below are the results. Some great images for sure.

iCLIPART.com Cat Silhouettes

Clipart.com Cat Silhouettes

ClipartGuide Cat Silhouettes

ClickArt Online Cat Silhouettes

Acclaim Images Cat Silhouettes

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