Today is National Pet Day. It might be a dog or cat you have, it might be a bird or rodent, it might be a lizard or snake, but today is the day to really show them how much joy they have brought you. Make that walk extra long, throw a special treat their way or just spend a little extra time snuggling.
From here, in recognition of their special day, the collection of photographs to be shared at the end of this post will feature our feathered and furry friends.
The pooch has always been my preferred choice of pet. Even when they weren’t exactly everything one might hope for. The first dog we owned when I was a child was a nasty-tempered fox terrier-chihuahua cross. Despite his diminutive size he possessed a ferocity that held strangers at bay and often had my young chums quivering. Tiny accepted pats on his terms. Picking him up was never an option. Crawling under the covers at night, he nibbled on any toes that might have brushed against him.
Why we kept him is anybody’s guess. But just like a curmudgeonly old uncle will do, he managed to somehow earn our affection. When we ultimately had to say goodbye it broke our hearts.
Since then there have been many dogs in our homes, all with unique personalities. While memories of them always bring a smile one make me shake my head as much as thoughts of that first one. He was a holy terror. So much so that I only have one picture of him.
Why he allowed himself to be snuggled between my young friend and me (one the right) on that day I have no idea. Since it often seems dogs are smarter than us, perhaps he thought it would be fun to leave me with this memory so no one in future would believe the stories I told about him.
In truth, getting a picture of any pet isn’t easy. All that charm and energy can result in a lack of cooperation. If you’ve tried and failed, here are some tips that might help.