Tips For Adding Text To Images

With social media being an extremely visually driven platform. It is important to get your message across and grab the attention of your viewers quickly. One way to do this is by adding text to your images, whether they are illustrations or photographs. Adding text directly to an image will be far more impactful than just adding it in the text space offered in your social media.

You don’t have to be a graphic designer to achieve eye catching images for your content marketing.

Here are some tips and examples we have created with images, fonts and vector letter art from
When using illustrations and photo’s make sure they are legally sourced and that you have a proper license. The last thing you need is to be contacted by the lawyer of the creator of the image. Whether you are blogging, posting on social media or on your website, make sure you have the legal right to use the image.

When adding text to images, make sure the words are legible. A colour background offers a clean minimalist look. The background colour and the text colour should not complete against each other. Using dark coloured text against a light background or light coloured text on a dark background is easy on the eyes.

When you have sourced the image you want to work with, you can add text. Make sure the image feels balanced when the text is added and when possible test it out on different social media platforms and make sure the image can be read easily. Don’t use too many words, giving your image a cluttered look. Keep the image visually balanced so that the viewer does not visually reject the image.
To create an even more impact on your viewers, you can add some vector letter art to your images in just a few simple steps. You don’t need to be a graphic designer or have expensive software when our creators have done all the difficult work for you. You can browse thousands of vector letter art to find just the right one for your image: VECTOR LETTER ART 
Simply download the .png file format of the image, making sure it has a transparent background and add it to the image you are working with.  

Anyone with more advanced skills can download other available versions or depending on the program you are working with, other file formats are available. was the source for Coffee Vector Art Lettering
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