In honour of Canada’s 148th anniversary of Confederation I thought it might be nice to post some photo collections of this great nation.
I feel fortunate to have been born in the “true north strong and free.” I live in a cosy corner known as south-western Ontario. Primarily an agricultural region it boasts plenty of open spaces with just enough cosmopolitan areas to give us easy access to culture.
My home is an hour or less away from arts and entertainment centres, including the world-renowned Stratford Shakespeare Festival. In addition, I reside just a few miles inland from the great Lake Huron, close enough for an easy day trip to the beach on a beautiful summer day.
In a couple of hours I can be in Toronto; a little longer and I can enjoy the spirits of wine country.
And all of this is within one province.
The vastness of Canada is oft remarked upon by visitors here. I remember interviewing foreign exchange students during my days working at a community newspaper and their first comment when asked about their impressions of the country was how large it is, how far apart everything is. Likewise, European guests of our musician son’s, whom he had met on various tours, commented on the limited expanse of land. One from Sweden was surprised she wasn’t going to be able to see Quebec and the Rocky mountains during her one-week stay.
The thing is, there really is a lot to see in Canada. I’ve lived here for more decades than I want to share here and I’ve yet to see the entire country. So to get it all in a quick glimpse, just in time for Canada Day, July 1, here are some photos that take in all beautiful places from east to west, north to south in the Great White North: