Thousands of Leprechaun Illustrations for St. Patrick’s Day

It won’t be long before spring makes its official arrival. Before that though, there’s still a fun occasion to enjoy.  In just over a week,  we will mark the final celebration of the winter. 

Since the solstice, there have been holidays and events of varying significance,  each with its own traditions and unique symbols. 

In western culture, winter began with one of the biggest festival events of the year, Christmas, a time saturated with meaning and ritual. We exchanged gifts, we feasted, sang carols, attended candlelight services and gathered with family and friends. On its heels was New Year’s Eve, a countdown to the end of 2015, highlighted by parties and noisemakers.

February brought us the groundhog, his shadow and the promise of six more weeks of winter, as well as Valentine’s Day for the romantically inclined. 

There are, of course, other inconsequential, strange or obscure events on special holiday calendars filling the spaces in between. The aforementioned, though, are the ones that get all of the attention.

None in my opinion, however,  have the whimsy and charm of the one that remains, St. Patrick’s Day.

My heritage is predominantly German, but I’ve always believed that somewhere up the line an ancestor or two were Irish.  I am enchanted by everything about the Emerald Isle.  The accent is a lullaby to me. (I have actually soothed myself to sleep listening to the lyrical recitation of the Irish Country Doctor audio book.)  Danny Boy makes me weep and I could binge watch Waking Ned Devine.

Ireland is the one place that I really do hope to visit one day, notwithstanding my complete and total aversion to air travel. I’m eager to see charming villages, wander ancient castles, walk the rolling hills and look out at the water from rugged cliffs.

I’m fairly certain that when that day comes I won’t be seeing any leprechauns on my tour. But for today’s purpose that’s what these clipart collections offer. They are absolutely adorable and perfect for any St. Patrick’s Day project you might have: Leprechaun Illustrations Leprechaun Illustrations

ClickArt Online Leprechaun Clipart

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