Team Mascots and Logos

Are you part of a team and in need of a logo or mascot? Maybe it’s time to freshen up your current team logo/mascot? Download copyright safe, royalty-free and virus free images to use for creating team images that you can use for mascots, crests, sport logos, and more. Use images as is or you can edit them to create the perfect image for your team.

Check out these links for sport category:


Football Team Images

Soccer Team Images

Basketball Team Images

Baseball Team Images

Lacrosse Team Images

Hockey Team Images

Volleyball Team Images

Ping Pong Team Images

Fish/Fishing Images


Choose a mascot that represents the fighting spirit of your team or organization. Mascots are often predatory animals, such as bears, wolves, tigers or sharks.

Check out these links for animal images:






Mascots should generate excitement and inspire loyalty from parents, alumni, athletes, middleschoolers, and kindergartners.

If you aren’t sure what type of mascot you are looking for, here are some images to look through to find something best suited for your team: mascots

Further Reading

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