Do you teach English as a second language? Whether you’re an instructor engaging in online teaching with ESL students or a tutor working one-on-one with ESL learners, you’ll want to read this! In this post, you’ll find 50 conversation starters to help students hone speaking and listening skills as they learn English.
In this post:

5 Ways to Use Conversation Questions
Are you an ESL instructor or tutor looking for ways to break the silence and encourage students to expand their English vocabulary? Consider using conversation questions or prompts in your ESL lessons. If you’re not sure where to start, no worries! The following suggestions can help you think of ideas to incorporate speaking activities in your class.
Use conversation cards to practice pronunciation.
For students being taught English for the first time, having lengthy conversations can be daunting. So, start off slow! Use conversation cards to practice pronunciation and expand a student’s vocabulary before expecting them to express well-thought-out answers to questions.
Tip: Have students read conversation cards aloud or repeat after you. While the student is practicing, remember to be encouraging. After all, making mistakes is a normal part of learning.
Use conversation starters as writing prompts for essays or journal entries.
If you want your students to practice their written language skills, consider assigning conversation starters as writing prompts. In a short essay or journal entry, students will be able to display their understanding of the English language, as they will, undoubtedly, use words and punctuation that they’ve learned in class.
Tip: Have students keep a daily journal or assign a daily writing assignment to keep the momentum going.
Assign pre-scripted conversations to students. Have them practice speaking in small groups.
ESL conversation questions can be a fun way to prompt discussion among friends and classmates. So, if you want your students talking in English and exchanging ideas, assign pre-scripted conversations or discussion topics. Students can use these prompts to engage in short or lengthy talks with each other; picking up new words, insights into others’ daily life, and new language skills along the way.
Tip: This activity is great for group or pair work. So, don’t be afraid to get 2-3 kids involved in the conversation. As long as everyone has a line to practice, this activity will be engaging for the entire class.
Set aside time for daily discussion. During that time, choose a conversation topic for students to discuss.
Whether you’re an ESL teacher working with a classroom full of eager students or you’re a tutor working with one student, setting aside time for discussion can offer more opportunities to learn English. So, if time permits, consider incorporating daily discussion questions into your lesson plans.
Tip: To optimize your time in class, keep topics simple, work in groups, or set a time limit.
Assign simple conversation questions and call on students individually.
If you’re teaching an ESL class, you’ll notice that some students will be eager to speak up while others will shy away from the opportunity to speak aloud. However, it’s important to get all of the students talking! To do just that, consider assigning simple prompts for students to answer individually. Or, ask the class a question and call on each student to share their response.
Tip: Allow for individual answers as much as possible. Group work can certainly help students learn English speaking skills, however, sharing allowing opportunities for them to share their individual perspectives is important as well.

50 Conversation Topics for ESL Students
Want to help students improve their speaking and critical thinking skills? Engage them in conversations using the following topics and questions.
1. Geography
- Where are you from?
- Have you traveled outside of your native country? If so, where have you been?
2. Books/Novels
- Do you have a favorite book? What do you enjoy about it?
- What is your least favorite novel or short story?
- Do you visit the library or bookstore often?
- What types of books do you enjoy reading?
3. Weather
- Can you describe the weather that your hometown has been experiencing lately?
- It is a nice day. What do you notice about the weather outside, today?
4. Clothing/Fashion
- What is your favorite color to wear?
- What is your least favorite garment or shoe to wear?
- Do you enjoy shopping for clothes?
5. Hobbies
- What hobbies do you enjoy?
- What hobbies do you want to pick up later in life?
- How long have you practiced your current hobbies?
6. Bedtime/Sleep
- What time do you usually go to sleep?
- Do you have a bedtime routine?
- If you have trouble sleeping, what do you typically do to get rest?
- Do you have a favorite toy or stuffed animal that you sleep with?
7. Music
- What types of music do you dislike?
- What genres of music do you enjoy?
- Can you sing or do you play any instruments?
- Do you have a favorite musical artist? If so, who is it?
8. Food
- What are your favorite foods?
- Can you tell us a fruit, vegetable, or cooked dish that is native to your country?
- What foods do you dislike?
- How do you typically spend mealtimes with your family?
9. Beauty
- Name something that you consider to be beautiful.
- What makes a person beautiful?
- What makes an animal beautiful?
- What makes an object beautiful?
- What is the most beautiful thing or place you’ve ever seen?
10. Motivation/Inspiration
- What inspires you?
- How do you find the motivation to try new things?
- How do you motivate others?
11. Goals
- Do you have any goals set for yourself?
- What are your short term goals?
- What are some of your long term goals?
- How do you celebrate when you achieve your goals?
12. Cooking
- Do you know how to cook?
- In your household, who usually prepares the meals?
- Name a dish that you’d like to learn how to cook. Is it native to your culture or does it belong to another culture?
13. Sports
- Do you play any sports? If so, which ones?
- Do you enjoy watching sports? Why or why not?
- What is the most popular sport in your region?
14. Exercise
- Do you exercise? If so, what types of exercise do you engage in?
15. Family Structure
- Do you have siblings? If you have siblings, how many do you have?
- Which family members do you live with?
- Do you have a lot of extended family members (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc)?
16. Emotions/Feelings
- How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?
- How do you feel in this moment?
- Who do you talk to when someone hurts your feelings?
- How do you respond when someone brings you joy and happiness?
17. Holidays
- What holidays do you celebrate?
- Who do you typically spend holidays with?
18. Home
- Do you live in a city, suburban area, or rural town?
- What is the name of your hometown?
- What country is your hometown located in?
- How do people typically travel around your hometown? Name the modes of transportation that are available.
19. Occupations
- What are common occupations in your home country?
- What job or occupation do you aspire to have in the future?
20. Common Objects
- What household objects do you use on a daily basis?
- Do you use a lot of electronic devices in your daily life?
21. Movies
- What genres of movies do you enjoy?
- Do you watch international films that have subtitles?
- Do you prefer foreign films or one written and performed in your native language?
- What is your favorite movie or short film?
- What is your least favorite movie or short film?
- Do you enjoy documentaries? Why or why not?
22. Seasons
- What is your favorite season? Can you name it and describe the weather?
- What is your least favorite season? Why do you dislike it?
23. Time
- What activities to you enjoy in your spare time?
- How much time do you spend studying after school?
24. Modes of Transportation
- What modes of transportation are you familiar with?
- What modes of transportation do you want to explore more or for the first time?
- Have you ever been on a plane?
- Do you have any experience on a ferry or yacht?
- Have you ever taken a train?
25. Language Skills
- Name all of the languages that you speak.
- What languages do you want to become fluent in?
Keep Going! There Are More ESL Conversation Questions Below…
26. Would you rather…
- Would you rather have superpowers or live forever?
- Would rather go to the beach or the park?
27. Philanthropy
- Have you every donated to a charity?
- Do you volunteer?
- What type of organization would you want to volunteer for?
28. Greetings
- How do you greet your friends?
- How do you greet your family members?
- What do greetings usually consist of in your country? If your country is multicultural, can you list the greetings you are familiar with?
29. Fear
- What is your biggest fear?
- Are you afraid any animals or insects?
30. Daily Routines
- What routines do you follow throughout your day?
- What do you focus on during your morning routine? What about your evening routine?
- Do you and your family members or housemates share similar routines?
31. Pets
- Have you ever owned a pet?
- Do you currently own a pet? If so, what kind of animal is it?
32. Animals
- What is your favorite animal?
- Is your favorite animal native to your country?
- Have you ever been to a zoo or nature conservancy?
33. Flowers/Gardening
- Have you ever gardened or helped someone take care of plants?
- Do you like flowers?
- What flowers do you enjoy?
- What is your least favorite flower?
- Are you allergic to followers?
34. Learning/Education
- Besides English, what classes are you taking?
- How important is your education?
- What do you enjoy learning about?
- What are your least favorite subjects in school?
35. Technology
- What technological devices do you have?
- Do you enjoy using a computer?
- Do you have a smartphone for communication?
- How does technology impact your life?
- What electronic devices do you enjoy the most?
36. Games
- What is your favorite board game or video game?
- What games did you enjoy when you were younger?
- Do you enjoy card games?
37. Solving Problems
- Do you enjoy puzzles or mystery games?
- How do you deal with problems or obstacles that come up in your life?
- Who helps you with your problems?
38. Competition
- Are you a competitive person?
- Do you think being competitive is a good thing? Why or why not?
39. Shopping
- Do you enjoy shopping? Why or why not?
- When you shop for clothing, does it take place online or in-person?
- Do you think it’s easier to shop online or in-person?
40. Birthdays
- When is your birthday?
- What is the weather typically like on your birthday?
- What is your favorite birthday memory to date?
- Do you celebrate your birthday?
41. Gifts
- What types of gifts do you like to receive?
- What kinds of gifts do you enjoy giving?
- Describe the best gift you’ve ever received.
- Do you think it’s okay to re-gift items?
42. Chores
- What types of chores are you responsible for?
- Do you help your family by doing the dishes or laundry?
- Do you take at the trash at your home?
- Do you like shopping for food at the local market or grocery store?
- Do you have siblings? If so, do they also have chores?
43. Can you name four…
- Can you name four meals you enjoy with your family?
- Can you name four ways to have fun with your friends?
- Can you name place you want to visit in the future?
44. Eating at Restaurants
- How often do you go to restaurants?
- Name your favorite restaurant. Describe what it looks like and how the food tastes.
- Do you enjoy eating at buffets?
- Have you every eaten “street food” from a market stand or mobile food truck?
45. Safety
- Do you know how to use a fire extinguisher?
- Are you familiar with smoke detectors?
- Do you or your family have a fire or natural disaster safety plan?
46. Creativity
- Are you a creative person? Why or why not?
- How do you express your creativity?
- What creative activities do you enjoy?
47. Colors
- What is your least favorite color?
- What color(s) do you enjoy the most?
- Do you think that colors impact people’s moods?
- Does the color red have any significance in your culture? What about black? White? Blue?
48. Can you tell me about…
- Can you tell me about a place you enjoy visiting during the summer months?
- Can you tell me about a memory you reflect back on fondly?
- Can you tell me about your family?
- Can you tell me about your favorite toy?
49. Currency/Money
- What is the currency called in your country?
- Are you familiar with the United States Dollar (USD)?
50. Memory
- Would you describe your memory as good or bad?
- Are you forgetful?
- What is your earliest memory?