“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice.” — T.S. Eliot
So we have unbelievably reached this point. Again. With amazing speed, like melting ice down a window in the sunshine, another year has passed. All the fun of Christmas is behind us, and we now look ahead to the promise of all the good things we hope for in 2018.
The festive holidays for me were perfect; counting my blessings each day was easy as they were apparent at every turn.
All of it began a few days before Christmas with an elegant feast hosted by a friend, followed by a relaxing bit of socializing. The next day we travelled to enjoy turkey dinner number one at our daughter’s home with her in-laws. From there, it was the joy of having all I ever need under my roof. On Christmas Day, family surrounded me, a bounty of gifts spoiled me, the abundance of food and drink flowed. It was an excellent reminder of how fortunate I am to enjoy so much.
Of course, now there’s more to come as the fun and infusion of a hectic social life is far from over. In a few days, New Year’s Eve will be here. It’s a time most considered for its revelry. It’s a time to celebrate and reflect, positively. It’s also a time considered as opportune for new beginnings.
Humorist Mark Twain once said that the new year is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions, followed by the week when you begin “paving hell with them as usual”.
Having spent decades on this earth, I decided some time ago to forego the proverbial New Year’s resolution. There is, after all, no need to set myself up for failure. Given that I’m wise enough now to know that the probability of not keeping them is quite high, it seems somewhat foolish to go ahead and make one. Disappointment is never nice. It’s especially unpleasant when it’s a result of not achieving a goal you yourself have set.
Typically it’s better to not give a lot of thought to what hasn’t been accomplished, or what goals haven’t been met. So, instead of making resolutions, I have come to think of the old year more as an opportunity for reflection and the new one as one of promise. Rather than take stock of what could be better about me I will let these final days in December be more about recalling all the good things that happened over the previous 12 months. If there is a resolution to be in there somewhere it will be that I spend the next 12 months continuing to remember these blessings.
Sure, life can be a spoiler. We never know what tomorrow might throw our way. But the company of friends, the memories of times past, will go a long way to ensure I’ll be ringing out the old year with nothing but joy for what has been and hope for what will be. Far better to assume the best and bid goodbye to 2017 with gusto. Just as I’m sure the folks in these festive photos have done: