Religious Illustrations for Easter

Last year, our family number jumped with the arrival of three more grandchildren all within a few months.  Needless to say, gatherings have been given new life, with babies passed from aunts to uncles and Grandma trying to fit a little cuddle in when she got a chance. 

It’s abundantly clear that tiny tots make  holidays even more special. Though the newest additions at our home were pretty young at Christmas, our two-year-old Little Missy was a delight to watch. Opening gifts in wide-eyed wonder, her smiles, hugs and play shared with adults who have seen many years pass since they crawled around the floor, was like a fountain of youth for weary adults.

What is also clear,  however, is how, when caught up in the entertaining and social aspects of a holiday, we can forget the real reason for the celebration.  With Easter just over a week away we can look forward to the contagious spirit of little ones again. There will be chocolate, bunnies and an egg hunt and we  adults will take pleasure in their great joy at such simple things.  But, we should  also acknowledge that this is one of the most meaningful holidays of the Christian calendar.

I was born in a conservative time, in small rural town.  Be assured that my religious upbringing was well covered — by a father who was a Sunday School superintendent and sang in the church choir with my mother, and by two older siblings who both taught me in Sunday School.  Missing a service, especially during the Lenten season was not an option.

Regardless of where I am now with my faith,  I have respect for those who have strong Christian beliefs.  As I cannot then overlook this integral facet of Easter I have selected religious-themed  illustrations from three online sources:

Acclaim Images

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