Put the Personal Touch on Your Merry Christmas Greeting With a Custom Holiday Card

Clipart image of an elf painting

“I love Christmas, not just because of the presents, but because of all the decorations and lights and the warmth of the season.” – Ashley Tisdale. 

Normally at this time of year I am well ahead of the season. The decorating was completed so long ago I can barely remember what the house looked like before. The presents have been bought, wrapped and placed under the tree. The baking is done and stacked away in the freezer. The turkey is ordered, the wine cellar stocked.

As of last week all that remained was the selection of an image to use for this year’s festive eGreeting, which was completed efficiently after a perusal of iCLIPART.com.

Yes, while others are tying up loose ends, completing their shopping amidst the busy whirl of seasonal commerce, I have been sipping pinot grigio,  warmed by the crackling fireplace and twinkling tree lights. While deep in the pages of a good book just the other day, however, it crossed my mind that Christmas cards are needed to accompany gifts for a few special friends. And then I thought, with all this extra time on my hands, why not try making them.

There’s only one thing to stop me really.  I’ve never made a serious attempt at it before, and I don’t easily jump into the unknown.

I guess some would say I’m a cautious person. And in all honesty I can’t argue that assessment.  Where others will plunge fearlessly into new experiences, I sit back and consider the risks. While there are those for whom air travel is a common sense way to get around this world quickly, I  need a pretty darn good reason to get in a plane.

There are many for whom the daredevil curves and hair-raising plunges of a roller coaster are what amusement parks are all about.  Me?  I rather enjoy the carousel. I would never skydive, scale the side of a mountain or bungee jump. I don’t mind staying close to home for my vacations and feel not the least bit regretful that I don’t plan any trips to exotic, though occasionally volatile, destinations.

None of this troubles me or makes me feel inferior to people full of the spirit of adventure, though.  I am a homebody, content in the familiar, satisfied by what I have and  of my abilities. For this I make no apologies.

Yet, there is one aspect of this mild trepidation of mine that frustrates me — my reluctance to try new things, regardless of how mundane. I try to convince myself it’s okay, because time is valuable,  I hate failure, so why subject myself to something I might not be able to do well and instead waste precious minutes that could be spent achieving other things.

The answer is, I constantly remind myself, because learning and experience are important. People never know what their capabilities and talents might be if they never try anything.  I’m too old and edgy to take up freestyle skiing, but there’s no excuse for not opening up Photoshop and seeing what I can accomplish. Especially with Christmas to inspire me and the dozens of tutorials out there to guide me. Like these for example:

Make a Custom Holiday Photo Card With Photoshop Elements

Create a Christmas Tree Card

A Holiday Greeting Card Photo Border

Design Your Own Christmas Card

Create Custom Greeting Cards in 6 Steps

Design a Dazzling Holiday Card in Photoshop

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