“Love planted a rose, and the world turned sweet.” — Katharine Lee Bates
It won’t be long now before we celebrate, what is to many, that most romantic of days. As it is every year, with the arrival of Feb. 14, there will be hearts and flowers, chocolates and champagne, dinners and movies, all intended as expressions of ardour, devotion and passion.
Valentine’s Day means different things to different people, of course. Even, in some cases, what essentially translates to no meaning at all. While for many people it’s an honoured occasion, a time for romance and sentimentality, there are those who feel it’s all just a big excuse to get people to part with their money. Of course, too, there are folks, like me, who fall somewhere in between.
Despite a strong conviction that at heart I am an idealist, a romantic, I can be a little wishy-washy about the rituals and traditions of Feb. 14. Certainly as a youngster, the event was greeted with enthusiasm, as a plethora of little Be Mine, Valentine messages were handed out to classmates and friends.
Obviously that zeal continued as an adult when experiencing the early bloom of true love and a sense that nothing can be taken for granted. Eventually, however, the acceptance of a lifelong commitment, of a comfortable, albeit, loving relationship quells some of that dewy-eyed affection. Pragmatism can even touch matters of the heart.
There are, therefore, moments when giving the Valentine’s Day due consideration, that it seems just plain silly to think the purchase of a card or gift is necessary to let my favourite guy know how special he is. And is it really necessary for him to reciprocate in order for him to show he feels the same way?
Is this emotion, this passion not conveyed by married couples in small ways or grand gestures with regularity? Shouldn’t there be a little bit of Valentine’s Day in every relationship, if not each day, then at least with some consistency?
They questions dance through my mind until my inner Pollyanna speaks out, reminding me that while yes, we should appreciate our partner frequently and make sure they feel appreciated often, it doesn’t always work that way. Life can be crazy, chaotic and stressful. Sometimes the people we love most get shoved to the back of the line.
So then, what’s wrong with a little emphasis on romance? Having a day designed specifically to let someone know they’re the most important thing to you sure can’t hurt.
And as I’ve mentioned many times before, what can possibly mean more than a personal message, such as one in a handmade card? (This also eliminates the notion of the holiday being a money grab)
How nice too that the web and technology have made this so much easier. With online graphics and tutorials you are able produce a professional looking product inspired by your personal feelings.
There are many sites offering unique and diverse collections of love-inspired illustrations and others with step-by-step instructions on how to do it. Here’s a sampling I found to make the search easier:
Create Your Own Valentine’s Cards
Create a Valentine in Photoshop